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Friday, 15 May 2015

Hey guyz, what's up,
Today's post will show you guyz how to GiWiPe which, as most of you know, is short for "Giants Wizards Pekkas".

This is a much cheaper and, in many cases, more desirable version of GoWiPe at TH8 (Golems Wizards Pekkas).

1 point to take note of in the beginning itself is that, even though GiWiPe is capable of 3 starring Town Hall 8s, that's not necessarily what it is used for.

 Instead it is only for getting into the core of the base to take out the Town Hall, and in many cases, the Dark Elixir Storage which will be beside it.

The main idea is to clear a path for the Pekkas to the core, which you can do with many troops, but is done with wizards and giants as they can stay alive to take out other stuff as well.

Stuff you'll need:

12 lvl 4+ Giants

11 lvl 4+ Wizards

5 lvl 4+ Wall-breakers

3 lvl 1+ Pekkas

1 lvl 1+ Valkyrie (completely optional as adding it would make a GiWiVaPe, so you could make that 2 more wizards or 4 more Wall-breakers)

1 lvl 4+ Heal Spell

1 lvl 3+ Rage Spell\

Your Clan Castle full of Wizards, giants and Wallbreakers, or a Pekka


The first milestone to a successful GiWiPe is finding the right base, you can't just "randomly" launch this attack on any base.

 It can take out any TH7 easily, most TH8's and to a certain extent some TH9's.

(What to look for in the "right base" : Only one thing in particular, it should have a double box like layout, one box inside containing the important stuff like the Town Hall and Storages, and the outer box generally containing the defenses. 
Basically, two sets of walls, and three at max.)

First, attack from the side where you see the least number of defenses, or from where the way to the Town Hall is shortest. 

Then, you throw in all your giants in a go by keeping your finger pressed down in a single spot so they all go in a queue.
 You COULD try spreading them out, I've seen it work both ways, but I send them together.

Once all the Giants go in a queue, wait for the first mortar shell to fall, and drop all your Wallbreakers right behind the giants immediately. 

This will punch a hole in the first wall, and the giants will move in. Now drop your wizards in a line (spread out, not in a queue like the giants), but don't spread them out too much or they will targeted by corner defenses. 

It would take them 5-10 seconds to get rid of the buildings there. In this time interval, your giants would start getting low on health, so drop the heal spell on them. If your CC has wallbreakers, then drop that immediately to punch a hole in the second line of walls (generally, the first 5 wallbreakers manage to do that as well, but, oh well...).

Whatever happens, don't drop your Pekkas until there is a hole in the center box. Also, there should be no buildings outside the walls along the same line as the outer box.

 If they are as far in as the inner box, but on the outside (to the left or right I mean), then your Pekkas should go to the middle.

Drop your first Pekka to see where it goes, and if it goes to the center, drop the rest, if not, wait for a few more buildings to be destroyed.

As soon as your Pekkas reach the center, drop the first Rage Spell, and the Pekkas will definitely take out whatever is in the center.

 Drop the second Rage Spell on the Pekkas whenever needed.

Using this method, I have three starred many rushed Town Hall 9s and standard TH8s. Also, it is THE BEST for Dark Elixir looting.

I saved up 23000 (23k) Dark Elixir in 3 DAYS using this method, no hardcore playing involved!!!

One more thing, if your opponent has Clan Castle troops, your attack is already messed up, nothing can be done about that, so I would recommend using the giants for luring out the cc troops and dropping all the wizards to take 'em out in war.

Other attack strategies you should check out:
- DragLoon
Mass Dragons (Modified)

Attack strategies for Town Hall 7 (TH7)

That's all for now!

The Guy With Random Stuff


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