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Wednesday, 22 July 2015

So the age-old Android game 'Swordigo' made its way into my life when my younger sister randomly downloaded it. I got interested, and now I think its awesome! It's a regular side-scrolling game like many other earlier games, which released on March 22, 2012. In the game world, time moves fast, and many Android games of that age are obsolete, except Clash Of Clans and another bunch of course.

So, its  graphics are 2013 levels or so, meaning good for an Android game and its got a LOT of stuff to keep you interested. One thing to point out is that it's not an 'Eat up your life' game that will have you addicted and irritable to society, instead it's fun and not very time consuming, unlike Clash of Clans which has taken up 2-years-and-counting of my life! A lot of people don't know about this game 'coz it's not really advertised as much as Clash and didn't hit the spotlight immediately, but it's a delightful game and must be given a chance on your tab/phone's games list.

It has only five buttons, three for movement and two for attacking and other actions, however, clearly a lot of work has been put in by Touch Foo, the game's creator, in the levels and other gameplay. The plot is familiar, a student avenging his Master's death, but has a great deal of flavor added  to it, including riddles and games of death just like a real-life quest.

Honestly, there's a lot more to this game than what I've given here, but the crux is that it should be tried at-least once and that it's awesome!

Remember  to like, share, +1 and follow to stay updated and always stay awesome and Be Random!

-The Guy With Random Stuff


Tuesday, 14 July 2015

Thou hath shown me thy love my dear readers! We have hit another thousand mark and it's all thanks to you. Literally.
Thank you all once again!

-The Guy With Random Stuff


GOD = Love
GOD = Life
Therefore, Life = Love,
However, Love (=) Hatred
Hatred = Anger = Sin = Death,
Therefore Anger acted upon = Death, there's still a lot more but,
Love to live people!!!

-The Guy With Random Stuff


Saturday, 4 July 2015

Only whose ears possess a soul,
Would stop to heed the passed by,
The melody that did touch me whole,
That which made the heart cry.

It sang of happiness, joy and sorrow,
And gave but pieces of peace,
It sang of the pain to come tomorrow,
Yet of love that never would cease.

Indeed, it's true that music,
Is a window to anyone's soul,
But this might've been a soul in itself,
Prophesying all alone.

Telling me what to expect of this life,
I listened to it, but to no end,
It sang and sang, and by and by,
Everything toward it did bend.

The music at last, in my heart did last,
Sweeter than the nightingale bird,
Singing of the present,
Leaving alone the past,
Went on this music unheard.

-The Guy With Random Stuff


Wednesday, 1 July 2015

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