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Sunday, 11 October 2015

I don't know how many of you guys have been in this situation: 

You're in your class and you see a whiteboard, and next to it are a bunch of markers... I'm telling you not to touch the board, but hell, you go ahead and write something on it.

 Hmmmm... all of a sudden, the smell of the ink, the thickness of the writing blah blah blah makes you look at what type of marker it is, and it says 'Permanent Marker for CDs, cardboard surfaces etc.'!
(I told you not to touch it...)

Now, all you've got in this room is a bunch of other markers, a desk, maybe a cloth or a whiteboard eraser and a few chairs, all unhelpful in this crucial moment of trying to save yourself from the wrath of your teachers, right? Left!

What you think you need right now is a perfume bottle, glass cleaner, anything with 'Spirit' (Acetone) in it, but there isn't any around, or is there? The thing is, your regular bunch of white board markers all have some of it in them, which makes them easy to be wiped off the board with a dry cloth.

 So, it's as simple as scribbling over what you just wrote with permanent marker and wiping it off with anything at all!

I got this when my sister and I were sitting around, waiting fro  class to begin in the classroom and she drew on the board, and we found ourselves in the same situation. She came up with the marker idea though and saved our... yeah.

So that's what I've got for now,it's highly unlikely that you stumbled upon this post when you're actually in a situation like this but I hope this idea can be of help to you at some point of time, (if it does, I told you not to touch it!).

Thanks for reading, don't forget to share this incredibly helpful post (even if I say so myself). You just might save someone else's donkey.

Have fun and Be Random!

 - The Guy With Random Stuff


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