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Thursday, 19 November 2015

Here's a game that's a bit "different", where instead of progressing in levels, you play pretty much the same level, over and over again (64 times!).

There's a guy, he has to make it to the other end of a room, and has to press a red button on the way, easy enough? But what happens then?

This game truly has NO boundaries at all! It can change the controls from on-screen to motion based, and you'd have no way of knowing except for a small hint in the title of each level. 

In one of the levels, the title is "Save Your Soul", which means that you have to go to the red button, stand on it, and then tap out the morse code for SOS on the screen, crazy right?

Another great one is where the title goes "Like on a Plane". To solve the level you just have to turn on Airplane Mode on your device! 

To be honest, this game is guaranteed to fry your brain, to a certain limit, and keep you occupied during those drab moments in life.

Additionally, if you hate leaving stuff unfinished, every level also has a hint available, if you watch an Ad for it. 
The game's size is only about 14 MB, surprisingly small, so go ahead and blow your mind as well!

-The Guy With Random Stuff


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