If you are constantly worried about running out of Dark Elixir
faster than usual and your trophies dropping super fast... it's time for you to
stop playing clash, seriously.
But if you want to do something about it, you're in the right place.
The WiGON strategy was something I stumbled across while chatting with high level players on the global chat, apparently it's a light attack strategy they use all the time for heavy attacks and looting.
We all know the logic behind the ever so successful Barch attack strategy. Use melee troops as meat shields and the first line of attack and use long range troops as the main attack force. Many people have tried to duplicate this by using melee troops like Giants as meat shields because they have higher HP, and long range troops like Wizards since they posses higher DPS.
But in most cases, these attempts have been fails.
Of course, some succeeded by adding Giants to the strategy, and that's how GiBarch came about, a very successful attack tactic.
In order to make this work, the secret element of Minions was added, fast flyers with high DPS and low housing space that can be grouped up to take down any building in seconds. But like all main attacking forces and cleanup troops, they need a meat shield, the giants...
What makes the Minions so vital to the working of this strategy?
One, they move twice as fast as wizards and 1.5 times faster than archers. Wizards themselves move only about 2/3 as fast as archers, which makes them unsuitable for quick attacks.
Giants themselves do not have much DPS unless you stack them up, that's why you need to use Wizards and Minions to back them up while they take the shots...
Two, Minions can fly. Since minions can fly, they are invulnerable to half the defenses on any given base, since half of them can only target ground troops, this was compensated for by the addition of the Air Defense, which has a really high DPS stat, but they can't attack more than one minion at a time, making them ineffective.
Take a look at this video for a better idea of what you're looking at:
Now, since we've taken a look at the working of this strategy, let's jump right into the technicalities.
The troop requirements listed below are based on the strategy I use myself, hence the exact numbers.
Stuff You'll Need:
- 16 Giants (Lvl 5+)
- 11 Wizards (Lvl
- 2 Healers (Lvl 2+)
- 6 Wall-breakers
(Lvl 5+)
- 18 Minions (Lvl
- Two Lightning Spells
(Lvl 5+) and one Heal/Rage Spell (Lvl 5+)
- One Earthquake
Spell (Lvl 2+)
- One Poison (Lvl
2+) and Dragon/PEKKA (Lvl 3+) for tanking in the CC.
How To Go About It:
Some things to remember before attacking.
1. The Giants are
your meat shield, they have to protect your minions and your wizards at all
costs, so always deploy them in such a way.
2. The Giants will NOT last long without the Healers, your first priority is to take out all the Air Defenses in the base, or at least down to the last one.
3. The Lightning and Earthquake Spells are for taking one Air Defense out, don't use them for anything else, unless you can place the opponents CC right next to an Air Def.
4. If the opponent'c CC is not taken out before you drop your main group of Giants, your chances of winning already went down like crazy. Don't be rash.
This is how you will execute the attack:
First off, you will lure the CC out. Drop a Giant or a Wall breaker to get the CC out and then drop your Hero with your CC or some of your wizards to take the opponent's CC out.
Next, you take out that Air Defense which is closest to where you will drop your main force of Giants unlike the Mass Dragon Strategy where you take out the Air Defense most centrally located.
This is so that your Healers don't get destroyed immediately.
After that, drop all your Giants in two streams and place two Healers behind each stream. Do NOT put the Wizards before your Healers as they are bound by Girl Code to go after the Wizards instead of the Giants, and we don't want that to happen.
Drop a wall breaker or two behind each stream and a bunch of Wizards to back your Giants up.
Check the corner buildings and drop a minion for each, also drop a handful of minions to back the Wizards up.
Something to remember here is that your Minions are your cleanup crew. Save a few, maybe 7 or 8 for AFTER most of your troops are down. Then deploy them for that extra loot or percentage, it will be a great move, coz' most of the defenses will be gone.
That's pretty much it for this strategy, it's great for Power Raiding and Farming alike, and can even be used in Wars, though I'd use it with caution, it's not nearly as powerful as HoWiz or even GiWiPe.
Thanks for taking
your time to read through this, and I hope I could be of some help.
-The Guy With Random Stuff
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