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The Guy With Random Stuff

Tech Reviews and News, Gaming, and other Random Stuff!

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Tuesday, 28 June 2016

Staring at cracks and crevices in the wall, Waiting for something, not sure what for, Shuffling my feet past familiar faces, Shifting eyes, unsure of what to expect. Living in the mistakes of my past, Reluctant to step into the future, Uneasiness eclipsing my present, A dark shadow over the gift of today. A racing heartbeat, a familiar ache in my chest, Longing for something, or someone, near yet distant, Hoping to find it, or even know what it is, The fear of perhaps losing it forever, Though...

Tuesday, 14 June 2016

Saturday, 28 May 2016

Sometimes, being in the right place at the right time isn't the right thing to do, and sometimes, being in the wrong place in the wrong time is the right thing to do. -The Guy With Random Stu...

This is about the 5th time I'm rewriting this post. I'm just not sure what to say. Whatever I type in first, seems pretty stupid later on. Interesting... Very interesting... I'm also not sure what to make this post about. I've been striving to cover variety of topics since the inception of this blog, ranging from tech to gaming, so, coming up with a specific topic to cover on my 100th post is kinda hard. "Did you know that... " Nah, can't go like that. So how about a post that describes my...

Sunday, 22 May 2016

The Guy With Random Stuff now finally has a logo. The Guy With Random Stuff - Logo -The Guy With Random Stu...

There is no argument to the fact that Dark Elixir is one of the most important resources in the Clash World, what with random barbarians consuming them to become Barbarian Kings and Witches never getting enough of it... So, to make it easier for all you DE-thirsty Clashers out there to loot Dark Elixir, I consulted all my clan-mates and many people on global and compiled this guide on all the attack strategies you can use to make sure your DE storage is always full for the next big upgrade. 5....
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