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Tuesday, 28 April 2015

In a bright, blue night sky,
With darkness during the day,
The moon shines even brighter,
Reflecting shadows everywhere

In the high, dry ocean,
And on the light land,
All you see around is soft, little stars
And you feel the blue sand

And as the air gets harder,
And the darkness begins to shine,
I go to visit the rocks again,
In this twisted world of mine

-The Guy With Random Stuff

It takes a touched heart,
To touch another,
So don't be heartless.

-The Guy With Random Stuff

Hey guyz, what's up?
Today I am bringing you guyz a new Clash of Clans Attack Strategy for Town Hall 8 (TH8) which I've been trying out my self and it works perfectly...

Stuff you'll need:

2 P.E.K.K.As (lvl 1+)
4 Healers (lvl 2+)
21 Wallbreakers (yes, that's twenty-one) (lvl 4+)
13 Wizards (lvl 4+)

All with 1 Rage Spell and 2 Heal Spells, and if you have a lvl 5+ Barbarian King to add to that then, well, the more the merrier, right?

What it can do : Easily 3 star a maxed out Town Hall 7, 3 star a nearly maxed Town Hall 8 with just a bit of planning    

How it works:

So first of all, you have to understand that this strategy kind of replicates the GoWiPe strategy except without Golems so you save a bunch of Dark Elixir. The 4 Healers are two for each pekka, so each pekka gets healed which gets pretty close to matching the health of a Golem and since Golems have barely any attacking power, this is better.
The 21 Wallbreakers are to get the pekkas to the core, you WILL need those many for a Town Hall 8+

So to start off with:
You will drop about 3 wallbreakers to break into the first line of walls, if there are any outside buildings, DO NOT drop your pekkas, no matter how many holes are punched in the walls, the pekkas WILL go after the outside buildings like the Archer Queen goes after walls. Hey, everyone has an obsession, right? To take out the outer buildings, use the Barbarian King first as a meat shield and then some wizards behind him. Side by side, do the 3 wallbreaker thing.

Once the hole is made, drop your first pekka and immediately drop two healers behind him. Then, if he goes the wrong way, whack him! If he goes the right way, drop the second pekka with 2 healers the same way, WHILE MAKING SURE THE KING IS NOT AROUND. (The healers are obsessed with the King, trust me; tried, tested and true!)

Then, drop the Rage Spell for the Pekkas when they get near the center and drop the remaining Wizards behind the pekkas just like in the GoWiPe strategy. The two Heal Spells are for your Healers when they get low on health, but you can use one for your wizards as well. If you wish, you could add some Clan Castle troops like balloons or hogs or something to take out the teslas)

Follow this correctly and you WILL get a 3 star on any Town Hall 8, I've tried.

Other attack strategies you should check out:

I guess that's all for now guyz, will see ya guyz later with some new attack strategies for Town Hall 7 and 8.

-The Guy With Random Stuff


Thursday, 23 April 2015

Hey guyz, what's up, 
I'm bringing a new attack strategy which I use for trophy pushing and sticking around high up in the leagues. So here's how it works;

You gotta have : 5 Dragons + 50 Minions + 1 Heal Spell +2 Rage Spells

The Dragons are mainly to take down the Air Defenses, disabling the Air bombs and Seeking Air Mines and Taking down the Wizard Towers, and finally, getting into the core. Actually, if you are up against a Town Hall 7, then you just need ONE rage spell.

So, to begin with, you just need to get your Dragons behind the first line of walls. If there are any buildings outside, use 4 minions or so to take them out. If there are archer towers or something for your minions, then don't waste minions, drop your Barbarian King as a meat shield and THEN use the minions.

Once those buildings are gone, drop one drag and see if it goes to the buildings behind the first line of walls, if it does, drop the remaining 4 Dragons and then drop a rage spell immediately near the Dragons for the Dragons to move a bit faster (NEVER drop a spell ON the troops, place it where you think the troops are going). Behind the Dragons, drop all the minions to take out the remaining buildings, use the last rage spell and the heal spell for the Dragons as well, the minions are actually just backup, though many people confuse them as the main attacking power just because the Dragons are sent in first.

After you do all this, you will definitely get a 3 star or ANY TH7, even without using two of the spells, use all the spells and you can definitely 3 star a TH8, and one star a TH9 probably.

Other attack strategies you should check out:
Mass Dragons (Modified)

Attack strategies for Town Hall 7 (TH7)

That's all I have for now, I will keep experimenting on attack strategies, my next attack guide will be using pekkas and other ground troops, but till then, see ya!

-The Guy With Random Stuff

Friday, 17 April 2015

There is no peace in Love,
For Love brings out the deepest of emotions
And there is no love in War,
Yet, War is claimed to be a fight for peace...

-The Guy With Random Stuff

That's right guyz, I will also doing some Piano covers and will upload them onto this blog. Some of them are:

-My Heart Goes On (Titanic theme-song)
-Still, by Hillsong
-Sadness and Sorrow (Naruto soundtrack)
-River Flows In You, by Yiruma

 (You guyz should check out the meaning of Yiruma and his sister's name, it's pretty interesting)

I can only begin posting covers once I get all the right recording equipment which might take a while, so that's that.

If you are interested, stay tuned...

-The Guy With Random Stuff

Here is another clash of clans post on how to do a mass dragon attack for war and how to avoid embarrassing one or two stars because of improper timing.

 Now I know there are tons of tutorials online, but no harm done in adding to it and besides, this version is slightly different.

So to start off with, your army composition is NOT going to be all drags as you may tend to lose time that way. Instead your composition will be:

9 lvl 3 and above Dragons
2 lvl 2 and above Minions
2 lvl 1 and above Valkyries


3 Rage Spells.

Now then, we will not be keeping 2 Rage and 1 Heal as most people tend to keep and I suggest you have at-least a lvl 5 Barbarian King for this. His rage is very helpful.

First, in War, at a high level where you have level 3 drags and your opponent is somewhere around your level, people stop putting Builder's Huts at the corners, but if it is there, place two minions near the Builder's Huts at the side where you will launch your dragons from, so that they don't have to turn back in the end.

 If the Huts are anywhere else, don't worry about running out of time. 

The key is to drop all your drags in a place where there are least buildings on the outside, and if all sides are equally covered, use your clan castle troops for clearing trash buildings. Notice two things:

 -Your Dragons should be placed so as to get to the Air Defenses ASAP AND
-We are NOT luring out the Clan Castle troops.
We will not lure out Clan Castle troops as in a mass dragon raid, when the dragons attack the Clan Castle troops, they do some splash damage to nearby building as well which will save you some time.

 However, one rage spell will help a lot while attacking the CC troops. Then one rage spell to get closer to the Air Defense fast (place the spells so that they cover maximum of where the drags are GOING, not right on top of them.
See some of You-tuber m0lt's videos for help with that. finally one rage spell for the core (the center or wherever the Town Hall is).

Now, once you are done taking out the CC troops, don't forget to drop your Barbarian King and Valkyries (in that order) from where you dropped your dragons, this way, they draw fire but not too much.

 Rage up your King when his health is nearly completely gone, like REALLY low.

Also, to give you an idea of where to use this strategy, you can use it against Town Hall 8's with all level 5+ Air Defenses.

Other attack strategies you should check out:

Attack strategies for Town Hall 7 (TH7)

I guess, that's all for now, have fun and Clash on!

-The Guy With Random Stuff


Hey guyz, I think some people are unable to make sense of ...Random Thought...#7 (see posts), but that is just something I seriously felt like writing, almost involuntarily. So, that's that I guess.

-The Guy With Random Stuff

Thursday, 16 April 2015

Wednesday, 15 April 2015

Hey guyz, I recently started learning South Korean pianist Yiruma's River Flows In You and wanted to tell you guys about it...

First off, I have heard many, many people say that the song is waaay too repetitive for their taste but I don't believe a word of that because I find it really nice and soothing. The very music can ake your soul move and indeed, I have seen some people who learn it solely to play to their girlfriend. But this piece of music is far too old now right? Not really. 
Actually, there are some parts of this music which can help a lot in your musical career if you are not taking any classical training and self-study like I do. This is because some parts have the right hand moving at a fast yet not unpleasantly fast pace which can train your right hand to move like a veteran pianist. Even though the left hand seems a bit left out, it is co-ordinated in a tough way, unless you figure out that the left hand is actually just playing split chords at a specific tempo throughout while at the same time the right hand has varying tempos. It takes maybe a day or two to get the hang of it.

However, there are some arrangements and improvisations where the left hand is made to dance along at the right hand's speed (fast) such as Kyle Landry's version of the song. (Look on YouTube for "Kyle Landry River Flows In You") This version will train your right AND left hand like hell and I can't play it yet, YET!

So, like I was saying, overall, Yiruma - River Flows In You is a great piece to learn and you should definitely learn it if you get the time... The tutorial I would suggest you go for if you can't read sheets because you self-study would be the one by PGN Piano (check YouTube for PGN Piano Yiruma River Flows In You Tutorial, that's the one I am using and it's really helpful)

That's all I have for now, try to learn the piece and good luck!

EDIT: Completed! Beautiful song! -The Guy With Random Stuff

Hey guyz, here is another clash of clans post which has to do with the recently introduced clan perks -

So as we know clan perks were introduced in Clash of Clans so that clan could level up and get certain power-ups, with the interesting ones starting at level 5 (donated troops level up one level, awesome!)
But now just that, we are now experiencing a change in the game. At first, people used to look for the behaviour of the clan members to decide if they want to stay in a clan, then a while ago, they started looking at war wins, but with the coming of clan perks, the first thing I personally look at is the clan level, meaning having a high level clan is essential for getting high level members.

So how to level up your clan quick? Well here's MY idea - 
If every member were to attack someone they can only ONE star, instead of someone they are positive they could three star, the clan xp from each member on the first attack would be some 5 xp or so. 

If you have a 40+member war going on, that's a total of 200 xp from the first wave of attacks. However, up-to here, the number of stars your clan would get would only be maybe 6 or at max- 20 stars, NOT good enough to win the war. (Even if you lose the war, no prob, you get 30% of the loot and becoz u attacked high, that is good enough)

 Well, if every member were to attack only 3 stars in the second wave, you would get an additional 100 xp or so + enough stars to win the war.

 Actually how I would go about it would be, everyone wants to attack high for loot right? So if you 3 star on your first attack no matter who it is on, you get to attack anyone above you of your choice for loot, when actually, the clan will get a hell lot of xp as well. 
Following this war strategy will get you to level 5 and above in NO time at all, and that's what we're all after... 

That's all I got for now, clash on!

-The Guy With Random Stuff


Tuesday, 14 April 2015

Hey guyz, what's up. I haven't been able to post much lately but I just found out yesterday that clash YouTuber M0lt is using the Archers+Pekka strategy. 
Of course, I call it the APE and he calls it the PekArch, but even though I said it doesn't work, according to video evidence from his side, it apparently does.

Other attack strategies you should check out:
Mass Dragons (Modified)

Attack strategies for Town Hall 7 (TH7)

-The Guy With Random Stuff

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