Here is another clash of clans post on how to do a mass dragon
attack for war and how to avoid embarrassing one or two stars because of
improper timing.
Now I know there are tons of tutorials online, but no harm done in adding to it and besides, this version is slightly different.
So to start off with, your army composition is NOT going to be all drags as you may tend to lose time that way. Instead your composition will be:
9 lvl 3 and above Dragons
2 lvl 2 and above
2 lvl 1 and
above Valkyries
3 Rage Spells.
Now then, we will not be keeping 2 Rage and 1 Heal as most people tend to keep and I suggest you have at-least a lvl 5 Barbarian King for this. His rage is very helpful.
First, in War, at a high level where you have level 3 drags and your opponent is somewhere around your level, people stop putting Builder's Huts at the corners, but if it is there, place two minions near the Builder's Huts at the side where you will launch your dragons from, so that they don't have to turn back in the end.
If the Huts are anywhere else, don't worry about running out of time.
The key is to drop all your drags in a place where there are least buildings on the outside, and if all sides are equally covered, use your clan castle troops for clearing trash buildings. Notice two things:
-Your Dragons should be placed so as to get to the Air Defenses ASAP AND
-We are NOT
luring out the Clan Castle troops.
We will not lure
out Clan Castle troops as in a mass dragon raid, when the dragons attack the
Clan Castle troops, they do some splash damage to nearby building as well which
will save you some time.
However, one rage spell will help a lot while attacking the CC troops. Then one rage spell to get closer to the Air Defense fast (place the spells so that they cover maximum of where the drags are GOING, not right on top of them.

See some of You-tuber m0lt's videos for help with that. finally one rage spell for the core (the center or wherever the Town Hall is).
Now, once you are done taking out the CC troops, don't forget to drop your Barbarian King and Valkyries (in that order) from where you dropped your dragons, this way, they draw fire but not too much.
Rage up your King when his health is nearly completely gone, like REALLY low.
Also, to give you an idea of where to use this strategy, you can use it against Town Hall 8's with all level 5+ Air Defenses.
Other attack strategies you should check out:
- DragHo
- HoWi
- GiWiPe
- DragLoon
- HeWiPe
- Dragonion/DAM
- PekArch/APE
- Attack strategies for Town Hall 7 (TH7)
I guess, that's
all for now, have fun and Clash on!
-The Guy With Random Stuff
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