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Saturday, 28 May 2016

Sometimes, being in the right place at the right time isn't the right thing to do, and sometimes, being in the wrong place in the wrong time is the right thing to do.

-The Guy With Random Stuff

This is about the 5th time I'm rewriting this post. I'm just not sure what to say. Whatever I type in first, seems pretty stupid later on.
Interesting... Very interesting...

I'm also not sure what to make this post about. I've been striving to cover variety of topics since the inception of this blog, ranging from tech to gaming, so, coming up with a specific topic to cover on my 100th post is kinda hard.

"Did you know that... "

Nah, can't go like that.

So how about a post that describes my journey? Well, that's what most people would do, but I'm not most people, am I? How do I go about this?

This blog was originally a platform to showcase my poems (I don't know how many of you know that.) since I like to think of myself as a poet and a philosopher. It was also a place to just rant once in a while.

Then how dis this turn out so random? Well, while I still wanted to rant, I realized that this blog could also be my method of communication. Helping others out by telling them what I already know seemed like a good idea.

Heck, why not help them out in serious life decisions? 

Why not help them decide which phone to buy?
(Seems pretty serious to me.)

Why not put up deep thoughts that come to my mind once in a while that might make more sense to others than to me?

If  I could elate someone's soul by a few words on a screen, why not?

Why not tell people which games they should be playing, and 
while I;m at it, why not tell them how to play it as well? (Gaming is a very important factor of a stress free life.

The above why-nots have covered my "Random Thoughts", "Tech Reviews", "Game Reviews" and "Game Tutorials" posts, and even with all these categories, I'm still trying to expand this into a maze of randomness.

The only encouragement I get for this is you guys, people who read my blog, comment on it, and share it. It shows me that I really am making a difference in the lives of real, living people.

So that's what this post ends up like, a "Thank-you readers" Post.

Interesting... Very interesting...

-The Guy With Random Stuff

Sunday, 22 May 2016

The Guy With Random Stuff now finally has a logo.

The Guy With Random Stuff - Logo

-The Guy With Random Stuff

There is no argument to the fact that Dark Elixir is one of the most important resources in the Clash World, what with random barbarians consuming them to become Barbarian Kings and Witches never getting enough of it...

So, to make it easier for all you DE-thirsty Clashers out there to loot Dark Elixir, I consulted all my clan-mates and many people on global and compiled this guide on all the attack strategies you can use to make sure your DE storage is always full for the next big upgrade.

5. WiGON

An interesting and not-very-popular strategy that can be used to two star up-to max TH9s. This is very helpful, because most people with lots of Dark Elixir put their Dark Elixir Storage right in the middle of their base, surrounded by defenses. 
Another plus point of this strategy is the minimal amount of Dark Elixir consumption, ranging anywhere between 200 - 300 DE which can also be covered in the loot bonus.
If you're looking for new strategies to try out and don't want to lose too many resources, you have to try this one out.

Read: How To WiGON For DE Farming

4.  GiBarch

I'm sure we've all heard of the GiBarch attack tactic, everyone uses it once in a while. The reason the GiBarch strategy works so well is beacuse it uses the common idealogy of putting a tank and a long range unit side by side to maximize damage to the base and minimize damage to your troops. There isn;t much to say about this strategy, and if you're looking for some passive raiding and looting, GiBarch is where you end up.

Read: How to GiBarch for Passive Raiding and Farming

3. BAM

One of THE most popular attack strategies that has ever existed in the farming community, equal to, if not better than, Barch itself. 

What I personally love about this strategy is its ridiculously meagre cooking time, about 10 minutes, and if you've boosted your barracks, 2 and a half minutes, which means, you can finish up with one raid and be ready for the next immediately. Back to back raiding, true hardcore clashing.

This strategy uses a small amount of Dark Elixir to exponentially increase your raiding strength so you can always get to that Dark Elixir Storage, even when it's defended by the strongest boys in town. Beware splash damage though.

Read: How to BAM - The Explosive Barch

2. GiWiPe

The best [possible substitute for GoWiPe that has been discovered so far, to minimize Dark Elixir Consumption when farming for it, common sense.

GiWiPe is an incredibly powerful strategy, with the capability of destroying maxed TH9s with TH8 troops and even maxed TH10s with TH9 troops. Widely used, and for good reason. This strategy is probably only second to the HoWiz attack tactic in terms of raw power, though some may argue that they are equal. It does require a certain level of expertise to use though, unlike the HoWiz attack strategy, and a small mistake is all that's needed for huge consequences. 

This attack strategy also happens to be the most read attack strategy on my blog.

Read: How to GiWiPe (for Pros)

1. HoWiz

What do you get when you put a fireball throwing pyromaniac (with a freakin' epic hairdo) and a war obsessed pig rider together? 

HoWiz a very popular yet scarcely used strategy that works best if you're trophy pushing and farming for resources at the same time, and in my opinion, seriously underrated. You can two star upto max TH10s with this strategy and is very useful for hardcore raiding especially since the cooking time for Wizards and Hogs has gone down.

If you have plenty of time to spend on Clash and want lots of resources without dropping trophies, this is your way to go.

Read: How to HoWiz for Hybrid DE Farming

Also, this strategy is number one on my list as I use it all the time and it works best for me, even in Crystal 1. HOG RIDAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!

Thanks for reading and don't forget to share!

-The Guy With Random Stuff

Friday, 13 May 2016

If you just decided Barch doesn't have enough BOOM in it, then welcome to BAM.

This is a very simple yet genius attack strategy that makes use of the common sense behind Barch and the versatility of the Minion troop.

Oh, and if you don't know what Barch is, probably best if you stop reading right now, seriously.

Honestly, even writing a How-To on BAM is pointless, everyone knows how to Barch, deploy barbarians and then drop archers behind them and let 'em rip right through the base. The only difference here is that you drop some minions as well, best behind the archers.

Take a quick look at Godson's video on his first time BAMming

And this was after he gained a bit more experience with it

So instead, of doing a How - To, it's probably better if I just list the stuff you need to remember when using BAM.

1. Barbarians are your meat tanks, not archers or minions.

2. Archers are your main attacking force, not minions.

3. Minions are always your cleanup crew in this strategy, hold some back to drop 'em when all your other troops are down near the least air-defended place.

4. Never put too many minions together, one air bomb is all it takes.

5. Dropping all your troops at once is a sure 1 star, taking your time to make a strategy before attacking is a sure 2 star.

There is no specific way to use BAM, it can be used in many different ways, which is what makes it such a popular attack strategy. 

One more thing, Heal Spells are only worth their use on Barbarians, Rage Spells are only worth their use on Minions and Archers, so experiment a bit and see which troops you have trouble using and decide on the best spell combination for yourself.

-The Guy With Random Stuff

If you are constantly worried about running out of Dark Elixir faster than usual and your trophies dropping super fast... it's time for you to stop playing clash, seriously.

But if you want to do something about it, you're in the right place. 

The WiGON strategy was something I stumbled across while chatting with high level players on the global chat, apparently it's a light attack strategy they use all the time for heavy attacks and looting.

We all know the logic behind the ever so successful Barch attack strategy. Use melee troops as meat shields and the first line of attack and use long range troops as the main attack force. Many people have tried to duplicate this by using melee troops like Giants as meat shields because they have higher HP, and long range troops like Wizards since they posses higher DPS.

But in most cases, these attempts have been fails.

Of course, some succeeded by adding Giants to the strategy, and that's how GiBarch came about, a very successful attack tactic.

In order to make this work, the secret element of Minions was added, fast flyers with high DPS and low housing space that can be grouped up to take down any building in seconds. But like all main attacking forces and cleanup troops, they need a meat shield, the giants...

What makes the Minions so vital to the working of this strategy? 

One, they move twice as fast as wizards and 1.5 times faster than archers. Wizards themselves move only about 2/3 as fast as archers, which makes them unsuitable for quick attacks. 

Giants themselves do not have much DPS unless you stack them up, that's why you need to use Wizards and Minions to back them up while they take the shots...

Two, Minions can fly. Since minions can fly, they are invulnerable to half the defenses on any given base, since half of them can only target ground troops, this was compensated for by the addition of the Air Defense, which has a really high DPS stat, but they can't attack more than one minion at a time, making them ineffective.

Take a look at this video for a better idea of what you're looking at:

Now, since we've taken a look at the working of this strategy, let's jump right into the technicalities.

The troop requirements listed below are based on the strategy I use myself, hence the exact numbers.

Stuff You'll Need:

- 16 Giants (Lvl 5+)
- 11 Wizards (Lvl 5+)
- 2 Healers (Lvl 2+)
- 6 Wall-breakers (Lvl 5+)
- 18 Minions (Lvl 4+)
- Two Lightning Spells (Lvl 5+) and one Heal/Rage Spell (Lvl 5+)
- One Earthquake Spell (Lvl 2+)
- One Poison (Lvl 2+) and Dragon/PEKKA (Lvl 3+) for tanking in the CC.

How To Go About It:

Some things to remember before attacking.
1. The Giants are your meat shield, they have to protect your minions and your wizards at all costs, so always deploy them in such a way.

2. The Giants will NOT last long without the Healers, your first priority is to take out all the Air Defenses in the base, or at least down to the last one.

3. The Lightning and Earthquake Spells are for taking one Air Defense out, don't use them for anything else, unless you can place the opponents CC right next to an Air Def.

4. If the opponent'c CC is not taken out before you drop your main group of Giants, your chances of winning already went down like crazy. Don't be rash.

This is how you will execute the attack:

First off, you will lure the CC out. Drop a Giant or a Wall breaker to get the CC out and then drop your Hero with your CC or some of your wizards to take the opponent's CC out.

Next, you take out that Air Defense which is closest to where you will drop your main force of Giants unlike the Mass Dragon Strategy where you take out the Air Defense most centrally located. 

This is so that your Healers don't get destroyed immediately.

After that, drop all your Giants in two streams and place two Healers behind each stream. Do NOT put the Wizards before your Healers as they are bound by Girl Code to go after the Wizards instead of the Giants, and we don't want that to happen.

Drop a wall breaker or two behind each stream and a bunch of  Wizards to back your Giants up. 

Check the corner buildings and drop a minion for each, also drop a handful of minions to back the Wizards up.

Something to remember here is that your Minions are your cleanup crew. Save a few, maybe 7 or 8 for AFTER most of your troops are down. Then deploy them for that extra loot or percentage, it will be a great move, coz' most of the defenses will be gone.

That's pretty much it for this strategy, it's great for Power Raiding and Farming alike, and can even be used in Wars, though I'd use it with caution, it's not nearly as powerful as HoWiz or even GiWiPe.


Thanks for taking your time to read through this, and I hope I could be of some help.

-The Guy With Random Stuff


Monday, 9 May 2016

In order to really progress in the game of Clash Of Clans, you have to learn to use your resources efficiently. And in order to do that, you will have to minimize Elixir consumption while attacking bases so you make maximum profit.

So this is a guide that explains the very popular GiBarch Attack Strategy, one that is really cheap, and can still drill deep enough into a base to get to any storage possible.

NOTE: This attack strategy is mostly used either for One-Starring bases or for getting to a particular target/storage, NOT for an all out 3 star!

 Stuff You're Gonna Need:

- 2 Lightning Spells Lvl 4+ and 1 Heal Spell Lvl 4+
- 1 Poison Spell
- 10 - 15 Giants (Lvl 5+)
- Fill the rest with Archers and Barbarians with a roughly 2:1 :: Archer:Barbarian ratio i.e. have twice the number of archers compared to barbarians.
- A handful of Wall Breakers if you're feeling pro.
- A few Wizards in the CC to back up the Giants.

What Kind of Base Can This Handle?
In order to use this Attack Tactic successfully, you will have to pick a base with the splash damage defenses positioned as far away from your target as possible. 

Also, a base with minimal compartments is optimal for this kind of attack. 

First thing to remember with an attack strategy like this is that your archers are your main attacking force. If you get a minimum number of them killed, you have better chanced of getting what you want. 

To start off with, we want to minimize splash damage, so take out a mortar (two, if possible) using your Lightning Spells and see if your can get the CC out with a Poison and eliminate with the Poison and extreme prejudice.

Now, use a few archers to pick out the undefended outside buildings. 
Next, use a group of barbarians (spread them out) as a meat shield for a stream of archers (also spread out). This move should pick out almost all the buildings behind the first layer of walls.

In most cases, that includes several archers towers, canons etc. 

By now, you should be running out of barbarians, but you should have half your force of archers left (remember the 2:1 ratio?) along with a bunch of giants and (for pros) wallbreakers.

This phase of the attack is where you go straight for the kill i.e. your target, be it Dark Elixir, Gold or Elixir. 

So you pick out the side of the base where either the splash damage defenses are least, or your proximity to your target is highest, and let loose about two or three giants at a time as a meat shield for your remaining archers.

Keep your Heal Spell ready for whenever you have a herd of giants moving together, or you can even use it for the wizards in the CC (they DO throw fireballs, you know).

 If the defenses aren't too heavy, feel free to be generous with the archer deployment, but make sure you drop extra giants every time the health of the last one gets depleted (keep the archers alive!). Also, drop the Wizards in the CC right behind the giants or among the archers, they'll destroy stuff either way...

You can also deploy your wall breakers alongside your archers so they don't get hit, and can clear a straight path to your target.

Another way of using these troops is, do the same stuff mentioned above, but with the Giants first.

So that's pretty much it, you just clear the outside buildings and make a way to your target. 

Now if you're looking to just one star a base and leave, you just deploy the barbarians first in a spread out fashion with the archers behind them and a bunch of giants every now and then, pretty much like the regular Barch Strategy.

-The Guy With Random Stuff

Sunday, 8 May 2016

You can be any type of mom, the soccer mom type, the conservationist mom type, or even an all-rounder mom, but that doesn't change the fact that you are a mom and nobody could possibly ever ask for a better one!

This is a big shoutout to all the hardworking moms out there who can NEVER be replaced. They love you unconditionally, their grace and forgiveness knows no bounds, the best type of humans.

A VERY special thanks to my mom who always supports my dreams, and makes me believe in myself just like she does. Thank you SO MUCH Mom!

With 4 kids to handle, I know my mom's job can't really be easy, and so a simple explanation pops to my mind, she's a super mom! (We all know super moms exist!)

Be sure to share this with all super moms out in the world, who love with all their heart and ask for nothing in return!

-The Guy With Random Stuff

Friday, 6 May 2016

The longer I surf the web  the more shocking discoveries I make. This is probably stale news to Audio Enthusiasts/Technicians, but as it turns out, you can turn ANY headphone/earphone into a microphone!

How to go about it? Well, you take the headphone wire, and plug it into the microphone jack on your computer. As simple as that. Trust me when I say, this is NOT a troll post! Try it out, plug your headphones into your computer's microphone jack, and speak into the headphones.

Yes, it's true that the gain will be bit lesser than high quality microphones, and the audio quality will not be top notch, but it works just fine for voice recordings. And don't forget, you have to speak into the speakers of the headphones, not put them on your ear!

The science behind this is very simple. Essentially, the technology behind speakers and microphones is pretty much identical, which lets any speaker function as a microphone. 

Oh, and if the headphones have padding, the recording will obviously sound muffled, so earphones are best...

This concept was once featured in a movie. I don't remember which one, but the parents had shrunk themselves by accident. Someone let me know which movie that was please!

Many people have done videos on this on YouTube, take a look at this one for example:

Thanks for reading this post, and share it to let others know!

-The Guy With Random Stuff

Monday, 2 May 2016

We have finally hit 30,000 views here and this is a big thank you to all of my readers. Google Analytics shows me that 25% of my readers come back for more and if you are one of those 25%, then a very big thanks goes out to you! Once again, thank you all so much!

-The Guy With Random Stuff

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